The Aftermath of Job Loss

A support group for Californians who have been laid off by tech companies

Feelings of loss following a layoff can be surprisingly big.

Losing your job can make you feel like you’ve lost your agency. This thing outside of your control happened, and it’s so easy to feel like you don’t have control over anything in your life after that. It can make you question your self-worth, and even your very identity—who are you outside of the job you do?

This group will help you contain these big feelings and give you the support you need to move through the process of grief, doubt, shame, or whatever is coming up for you around the loss. You will learn tools to help you experience these emotions without going into overwhelm and reconnect to both your agency and fundamental worth as a human. Together, we will tap into the group’s collective resilience and plant the seeds of hope for the future of your career—no matter where it takes you.

Interested in joining The Aftermath of Job Loss? Let me know.

I will reach out to schedule a free 15-minute call with you to help determine if this group is right for you.

  • Get support for grief around loss of routine, purpose, identity

  • Build community to combat feelings of isolation

  • Work with shame and learn how to set the shame aside

  • Acknowledge all of the (often invisible) work you’re doing

  • Reclaim your agency when things feel out of your control

  • Learn and practice nervous system regulation skills

In this group, you can expect to…

  • Become more mindful of your experiences in the here and now

  • Develop genuine care for your self and build curiosity around your needs

  • Test assumptions around feeling like a burden/too negative in social settings

  • Deepen relational skills like active listening and compassionate feedback

Interested in joining The Aftermath of Job Loss? Let me know.

I will reach out to schedule a free 15-minute call with you to help determine if this group is right for you.


The Aftermath of Job Loss Group

  • Group therapy is about half the cost of individual therapy, at $80 per session.

  • The group will meet online on Tuesdays from 3-4:30pm.

    Depending on the needs in the group, we will meet either using SimplePractice or Zoom.

  • You’ll meet once a week for 90 minutes for 8 weeks, and you are expected to attend each session. As a member of the group, you are integral to its functioning! Missing a session doesn’t just impact you, it really impacts the rest of the group who is in attendance. If you absolutely must miss a session, you should let the group know well in advance of the date you’ll miss.

    After 8 weeks, if you can choose to continue in the group or say farewell.

  • Once group therapy sessions have begun and we reach 5 participants, no new participants will be added for the duration of the 8-week period.

  • This group’s sole purpose is to explore and deal with the emotional and psychological impact of losing your job unexpectedly. Therefore, this group will not explicitly help you look for or find a new job. This group will also not be explicitly looking at skills needed to reenter the workplace, resumes, or anything similar.

  • That’s such a great question, I wrote an entire blog post to answer it. Read it here

Group therapy is powerful way for people to feel seen and be supported, while providing fertile ground for transformation. As a therapist and group facilitator, I use trauma-informed practices to help people soothe their nervous systems and become more aware of their experiences in the here-and-now, while promoting a safe, caring, and candid group experience.

Interested in joining The Aftermath of Job Loss? Let me know.

I will reach out to schedule a free 15-minute call with you to help determine if this group is right for you.