now adding new members


A therapy group for folks working in tech who identify as women, non-binary, or non-cis-men.

(and all of the intersectional identities they hold)

Being a non-cis-man working in tech can be… a lot. Sometimes it means you’re “the only” on a team or, worse, an entire company. Even if you’re not “the only,” you are likely fending off micro-aggressions, or having to argue for why you deserve a promotion, or wondering why your cis-male counterpart got promoted over you, or doing unacknowledged emotional labor, or working twice as hard just to be seen, or… this list could go on for awhile.

This group is a safe space for you to take a step back from all of the constant noise and listen, instead, to what you know to be true, to be seen by others with kindness and compassion, and to have the emotional support of a group of people who get it.

Interested in joining Tapestry? Let me know.

I will reach out to schedule a free 15-minute call with you to help determine if this group is right for you.

What will I get out of this group?

Mirroring and connection

When you’re “the only” or “one of the few,” it’s nearly impossible to get accurate mirroring back of what you’re feeling and experiencing. In this group, you will recognize yourself in others’ stories, and they will see themselves in yours.

Reality testing

It’s hard to reality test in an environment where gaslighting is practically in the air. This group is an opportunity for you to reality test your experience so that you can separate the bullshit “feedback” from the ways in which you really could grow.

Acknowledgement of the systemic stuff

This group can name (and can examine, if it feels right) the systemic, invisible forces that are impacting your everyday experience at work (yet often go unmentioned). We’re talking… capitalism. patriarchy. colonialism. sexism. ableism. racism. ageism. transmisogyny. (just to name a few)


Sometimes it’s so bad you have to laugh. This group going to do some laughing as it unearths the absurdities. Things that feel anything but funny when we experience them in isolation can give us nervous-system-relieving laughter when we unpack them together.

What is this group not for?

This is group therapy, which means it’s meant to be therapeutic. Although we certainly could fill time simply trading stories of all the b.s. we’ve experienced at work (and that might even feel good in the short term), it would not be a productive use of our time. Participants will be invited to share specific experiences as it relates to how they’re feeling in the here-and-now as an opportunity to reflect on the impact of those experiences to their full being. In return, the group will help name systemic underpinnings, offer empathetic support, and provide relevant feedback.

Interested in joining Tapestry? Let me know.

I will reach out to schedule a free 15-minute call with you to help determine if this group is right for you.


  • Group therapy is about half the cost of individual therapy, at $80 per session.

  • You’ll meet once a week for 90 minutes for at least 12 weeks, and you are expected to attend each session. As a member of the group, you are integral to its functioning! Missing a session doesn’t just impact you, it really impacts the rest of the group who is in attendance. If you absolutely must miss a session, you should let the group know well in advance of the date you’ll miss.

  • It all depends! Ideally, group members will remain with this group for a considerable amount of time—in fact, each member is expected to make a commitment of at least 12 weeks. We will continue to add new members until the group is full (~6 members). However, the group will allow new members to join if and when an opening becomes available.

  • I worked in and around tech for over a decade and was frequently, myself, one of the only non-dudes in the room, or sometimes in my function. It’s worth noting that I also hold a lot of privilege—I’m a white, able-bodied cis-woman—and I’ve STILL seen some wild things. This is a group my friends and I wish had existed back when I still worked in tech, and now, as a therapist, I have the freedom and skillset to make it happen.

  • That’s a great question! The exact start date is TBD until we have enough people signed up to get started. Most likely the group will start in May of 2024.

Group therapy is powerful way for people to feel seen and be supported, while providing fertile ground for transformation. As a therapist and group facilitator, I use trauma-informed practices to help people soothe their nervous systems and become more aware of their experiences in the here-and-now, while promoting a safe, caring, and candid group experience.